Why Tune In?
Welcome to Kenversations, a podcast at the intersection of mindset and business for the disciplined and driven. Hosted by Ken, a business leader and coach, each episode features conversations with experts and actionable strategies to help listeners achieve their goals. Ken's focus on discipline and mindset sets the podcast apart, with a goal of helping listeners cultivate the right habits for success in the long term. From aspiring entrepreneurs to business leaders, Kenversations has something for everyone. Tune in for practical advice and inspiration to level up your mindset and your business, and join the community of disciplined and driven individuals making a difference.

Saturday Mar 01, 2025
#57 Chad Briley Box truck to moving company empire
Saturday Mar 01, 2025
Saturday Mar 01, 2025
In this episode, we dive into the mindset and journey of Chad—how his personal story led to building a moving company that’s now dominating the industry in Alaska and expanding all the way to Idaho. Chad shares key lessons on growth, from mastering employee retention to creating a strong company culture that keeps teams engaged. One of his biggest insights? The power of self-awareness—knowing your strengths and weaknesses and delegating to those who can do it even better. This conversation is packed with wisdom for anyone looking to scale a business and build a winning team.

Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
This one was a special one for me. Brady has been someone I have know from High school and we have walked in a lot of smilier paths and I just knew that it would be a good time. This man has done so many things and whatever it has been he has done it 100!
He gives massive perspective that will help you gain motivation to pursue things with an energy that gives you traction while getting a ton of joy while doing it.
We dig deep into what it takes to have fun learning again. We grow up in a society that really burns us out on learning and Brady has found a way to make that learning a passion that has led to massive joy in what he is doing and making a living while doing it and if you ask me. I can not think of a more admiral and impressive feat in this current day an age.
The meaning of life is to enjoy the passing of time and there are many nuggets in this one that I really think you will enjoy.

Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
I have to first say how grateful I am to have Dan on my podcast and to call this man a friend. His journey and what he has overcame is hard to put in words. We go through his amazing background of video and cinematography and his passion for it and what pushes him to create amazing work.
But along the way life packs punches and Dan has had a few stack up along the way and he shares how he went through that process and what came out of it on the other side. He has turned in what I would imagine to be one the greatest pains and made it an amazing purpose that touches so many lives every day.
For anyone that has had hard times you need to take the time and litsen to the incredible mindset and wisdom that this man has to share.

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
The Lady exec that plowed her way to the top
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Todays guest is Amanda Kramer she is a top business exec at a Fortune 500 company. Gartner is an information and technology company that is turning information into power when it comes to leadership and companies growing their business. We spend they entire podcast discussing. How she reached the C suite and what she contstaly coaches and mentors business leaders across the great state of Alaska.

Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
The Lady exec that plowed her way to the top
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Todays guest is Amanda Kramer she is a top business exec at a Fortune 500 company. Gartner is an information and technology company that is turning information into power when it comes to leadership and companies growing their business. We spend they entire podcast discussing. How she reached the C suite and what she contstaly coaches and mentors business leaders across the great state of Alaska.

Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Nate Is just a the most humble human you ever meet. He would never say how he leads 1000's of people to their financial and physical freedom and combat the thing we are all fighting which is aging. Nate has been a dear freind and close mentor of my in the world of leadership and coaching. He has grown and given so much to others and his team. We go deep dive into Identify and how one finds theirs or a process on how to refine it and grow it if you have not found that mission for yourself.
Next we talk about your perception and how to gain the wisdom to have the right filtering process of what to and how to listen to yourself and others.
Lastly we talk about culture. Which is totally a trending topic but given this post Covid pandemic world we live in. It is becoming a true lost art in what everyone needs in their own life, family, friends and work.

Wednesday May 03, 2023
#50 Pam Lloyd The story of the business woman that CRUSHED!
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
This one I am SO excited about! Today on Kenversations we had Pam Lloyd on the podcast. She is someone I wanted on here since day 1. She has been someone I have confided in many times in my life of transition.
Just a quick bit about Pam. She has been a lady that has not just climbed the corporate ladder she has Crushed it. So we dig into her story at many different levels and un-pack nuggets of gold for you all.
We go into how you need to be thinking and observing the world and environment around you to get to where you are to where you want to be.
Then right at the end in the last 30 minutes we had a complete tangent diving into the education system. Which I was so glad to do given Pam vast knowledge and first hand experience given her teaching back ground and working as a VP at GCI the biggest Alaskan company around. In teaching and tech.
We discuss our perspectives on what is going on currently where some pitfalls are and maybe some different ways to look at it or approach it in the future. I loved this tangent and I cant wait for you to all hear it.

Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
#50 Chance Deschamp-Prescott
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
I am so excited to share this one with you all! Chance was in the neighborhood so we had to have him on. We get to take a deep dive into another human living their best life. While he is pursuing his DREAM of being an North American Free Ride Pro. While going to school to be a MD.
We dig deep into his mindset and how do you prep and both mentally and physically to compete at the highest level. Chance is a wonderful human doing some intense things. Go check him out on Insta https://www.instagram.com/chancdp/